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واژه هلال حاصلخیز
معادل ابجد 812
تعداد حروف 11
منبع واژه‌نامه آزاد
نمایش تصویر هلال حاصلخیز
پخش صوت

هلال حاصلخیز (به عربی: هلال خصیب (به معنی داسه بارور))، نام بخش تاریخی از خاور میانه و دربرگیرندهٔ بخش‌های خاوری دریای مدیترانه، میانرودان و مصر باستان می‌باشد. این نام نخستین بار از سوی جیمز هنری بریستد باستانشناس دانشگاه شیکاگو بر این بخش از جهان گذارده‌شد.

داسه بارور با رودهای نیل، دجله، فرات و رود اردن سیراب می‌شود. این منطقه از باختر به دریای مدیترانه، از شمال به بیابان سوریه و از دیگر سویها به شبه جزیره عربستان و خلیج فارس و دیگر بخش‌های مدیترانه محدود می‌شود. داسه بارور امروزه کشورهای مصر، اسرائیل، لبنان و نیز کرانه باختری رود اردن و نوار غزه و بخش‌هایی از اردن، سوریه، عراق، جنوب شرقی ترکیه، غرب و جنوب غربی ایران را دربرمی‌گیرد. جمعیت داسه بارور را امروزه نزدیک به ۱۲۰ میلیون یا دست کم یک‌چهارم جمعیت کل خاور میانه تخمین می‌زنند.

هلال بارور 650 پ.م.
پیوند به بیرون

Map of the Fertile Crescent
Science ۱۹ May ۲۰۰۰, #۲۸۸: p.۱۱۵۸

نویسندگان ویکی‌پدیای انگلیسی، ‎Fertile Crescent‏ (نسخه ۲۳ فوریه ۲۰۰۷)
رده‌های صفحه: هلال حاصلخیزخاورمیانه خاورنزدیک
قس عربی
الهلال الخصیب مصطلح جغرافی أطلقه عالم الآثار الأمریکی جیمس هنری برستد على حوض نهری دجلة والفرات، والجزء الساحلی من بلاد الشام. هذه المنطقة کانت شاهدة لحضارات عالمیة، وأهمها العصر الحجری الحدیث والعصر البرونزی حتى ابتداء الممالک والمدن فی جنوب الرافدین وشمال جزیرة الفرات السوریة وغرب الشام. یستخدم هذا المصطلح عادة فی الدراسات الآثریة، إلا ان له استخدام سیاسی أیضاً، حیث استخدمه أنطون سعادة منطلقاً من التداخل الثقافی فی هذه المنطقة الجغرافیة عبر التاریخ لیبرهن على وجود "أمة" واحدة تجمع سکان هذه البیثة الجغرافیة وأسس لذلک الحزب السوری القومی الاجتماعی، ونادى بوحدة الهلال الخصیب تحت اسم سوریا الکبرى.
أطلق على هذه المنطقة هذه التسمیة تمیزًا لها کمنطقة "سامیة" اللغة عن منطقة شبه الجزیرة الکبرى شرق البحر الأحمر "سامیة" اللغة أیضًا ولکونها منطقة غنیة بالمیاه وتمتاز تربتها بالخصوبة التی تسمح بالزراعة فیها بسهولة، مما سهل الزراعة فیها ابتداءًا من الزراعة البعلیة، وفی التراث الأسطوری الدینی للمنطقة یقال أیضا أن النبی نوح کان لدیه ثلاثة أبناء :سام حام ویافت، أعطى نوح هذه المنطقة لابنه سام فلذلک سمیّت "سامیة". کما حصلت فیها أحداث بشریة مهمة کتطوّر فکرة الآلهة السماویة، بدلاً من عبادة مظاهر الطبیعة، وقد استخدم هذا المصطلح أیضًا للتعبیر عن مناطق بدایة الحضارات البشریة.المصطلح یعرّف الآن مناطق بلاد الشام وبلاد ما بین النهرین حصراً العراق وسوریا القدیمة، فی مجال الدراسات الحدیثة.
حضارات من الهلال الخصیب

نهر الفرات فی العراق
الکنعانیة - الفینیقیة
الآرامیة - الکلدانیة
حضارات فی الهلال الخصیب

الإمبراطوریة الرومانیة
الإمبراطوریة البیزنطیة
الحضارة الإسلامیة العربیة
وتداخلت هذه الحضارات مع محیطها الحضاری فی الأناضول والیونان وشبه الجزیرة العربیة ومصر.
الهلال الخصیب فی العصر الحدیث

التقسیمات الإداریة حسب اتفاقیة سایکس بیکو
یغطی الهلال الخصیب المفترض حالیًا الدول التی شکلتها اتفاقیة سایکس بیکو وهی:
أنظر أیضا

المشرق العربی
سوریا الکبرى

هذه بذرة مقالة عن التاریخ تحتاج للنمو والتحسین، فساهم فی إثرائها بالمشارکة فی تحریرها.
ع · ن · تالهلال الخصیب
إیران · العراق · ترکیا · سوریا · لبنان · الأردن · فلسطین · إسرائیل

تصنیفات: الهلال الخصیب حضارات الشرق الأوسط
قس ترکی آذری
Bərəkətli Hilal(İngiliscə:Fertile Crescent ),Orta Şərqdə, Qərb və Orta Şərq sivilizasiyalarının doğulduğu bölgədir.Termini ilk dəfə ABŞli şərqşünas və arxeoloq ​​Ceymz Henri Breasted istifadə etmişdir..
Bərəkətli Hilal, qışları yağışlı, yayları quraq keçən Aralıq dənizi iqliminin suveren olduğu, aypara formasında, olduqca bitək bir sahədən ibarətdir.Cənubda Ərəbistanı çölü ilə şimalda Şərqi Anadolu dağlıq bölgəsi arasında yer alır.Köhnə Babil torpaqları ilə dərhal yaxınındakı Elamdan (bu gün İranın cənub-qərbi) Dəclə və Fərat çayları ilə Assuriyatorpaqlarına qədər uzanır.Zaqros dağlarından, qərbdə Suriya üzərindən Aralıq dənizinə, cənub istiqamətində də Fələstinin cənubuna qədər olan torpaqları əhatə edir.Misirin Nil vadisini də bu bölgə içinə soxanlar vardır; çünkü buradakı Sina çölü, Mesopotamiya və Suriyada davamlılığı pozan digər çöllərdən daha böyük deyildir.Bölgədə yaxşı məhsul ala bilmək, hətta əkinçilik edə bilmək üçün suvarma zəruridir.

↑ Columbia Encyclopedia. Columbia University Press. 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-23.

İngiliscə vikipediya
Xarici keçidlər

Ancient Fertile Crescent Almost Gone, Satellite Images Show - from National Geographic News, May 18, 2001
Bu məqalənin azərbaycan dili əlifbasının ərəb qrafikası ilə qarşılığı vardır. Bax: برکتلی هیلال
Coğrafiya ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
Kateqoriya: Coğrafiya qaralamaları
ترکی استانبولی
Bereketli Hilal ya da Münbit Hilâl (İngilizce: Fertile Crescen
t), Ortadoğuda, Batı ve Ortadoğu uygarlıklarının doğduğu bölge. Terimi ilk kez ABDli doğubilimci ve arkeolog James Henry Breasted kullanmıştır.
Bereketli Hilal, kışları yağmurlu, yazları kurak geçen Akdeniz ikliminin egemen olduğu, hilal biçiminde, oldukça bitek bir alandan oluşur. Güneyde Arabistan Çölü ile kuzeyde Doğu Anadolu dağlık bölgesi arasında yer alır. Eski Babil toprakları ile hemen yakınındaki Elamdan (bugün İranın güneybatısı) Dicle ve Fırat ırmakları ile Asur topraklarına kadar uzanır. Zağros Dağlarından, batıda Suriye üzerinden Akdenize, güney yönünde de Filistinin güneyine kadar olan toprakları içine alır. Mısırın Nil Vadisini de bu bölge içine sokanlar vardır; çünkü buradaki Sina Çölü, Mezopotamya ve Suriyede sürekliliği bozan öteki çöllerden daha büyük değildir.Bölgede iyi ürün alabilmek, hatta tarım yapabilmek için sulama zorunludur.
Daha geniş kapsamıyla Bereketli Hilal, Eski Ahitin Tekvin bölümünde ağırlıklı yeri olan bölgeyle örtüşür; Eski Yunan ve Roma uygarlıklarına kaynaklık eden Babil, Asur, Fenike gibi ülkeleri de içine alır. Bilinen en eski kültürün Bereketli Hilalde doğduğu yolundaki bu eski inanç, 1948den bu yana radyokarbon araştırmalarıyla da doğrulanmıştır. Bugün, en geç MÖ. 9 bin dolaylarında bölgenin yerleşik tarıma ve köy yaşamına geçtiği, hemen ardından da sulu (cıvık) tarımın başladığı bilinmektedir.
Kategoriler: Bereketli HilalOrta Doğu coğrafyası
قس اردو
زرخیز ہلال (عربی: الهلال الخصیب، انگریزی: Fertile Crescent) مشرق وسطیٰ میں ہلالی شکل کا ایک تاریخی خطہ ہے جس میں لیونت، قدیم مابین النہرین اور قدیم مصر شامل ہیں۔ "زرخیز ہلال" کی اصطلاح سب سے پہلے جامعہ شکاگو کے ماہر آثار قدیمہ جیمز ہنری بریسٹیڈ نے استعمال کی۔ نیل، اردن، فرات اور دجلہ کے دریاؤں سے زرخیز ہونے والا 4 سے 5 لاکھ مربع کلومیٹر کے رقبے پر پھیلا یہ علاقہ بحیرہ روم کے مشرقی ساحلوں سے صحرائے شام کے شمالی علاقوں اور جزیرہ اور مابین النہرین سے خلیج فارس تک پھیلا ہوا ہے۔ اس علاقے میں موجودہ مصر، اسرائیل، مغربی کنارہ، غزہ کی پٹی اور لبنان اور اردن، شام، جنوب مشرقی ترکی اور جنوب مغربی ایران کے علاقے کے چند علاقے شامل ہیں۔ دریائے نیل کے طاس کی آبادی 70 ملین، دریائے اردن کے طاس کی تقریباً 20 ملین اور دریائے دجلہ و فرات کے طاس کی 30 ملین ہے، اس طرح زرخیز ہلال کی موجودہ آبادی 120 ملین سے زائد بنتی ہے یعنی یہ مشرق وسطیٰ کی کم از کم ایک تہائی آبادی کا حامل علاقہ ہے۔ زرخیز ہلال انسانی تاریخ کے شاندار دور کا عینی گواہ ہے۔ دنیا کی تاریخ کی چند عظیم ترین تہذیبیں اسی علاقے میں پروان چڑھیں۔ تحریر اور ریاستی معاشروں نے اسی سرزمین پر جنم لیا اور اسی لیے اس علاقے کو "تہذیب کا گہوارہ" کہا جاتا ہے۔
زمرہ جات: قدیم مشرق قریب زرخیز ہلال مشرق قریب طبیعی تقسیمات تاریخ بحیرہ روم
قس انگایسی
The Fertile Crescent, nicknamed "The Cradle of Civilization" due to the birth of various kingdoms within its borders, is a crescent-shaped region containing the comparatively moist and fertile land of otherwise arid and semi-arid Western Asia, and the Nile Valley and Delta of north east Africa. The term was first used by University of Chicago archaeologist James Henry Breasted. Having originated in the study of ancient history, the concept soon developed and retains today meanings in international geopolitics and diplomatic relations.
In current usage the Fertile Crescent has a maximum extent and a minimum extent. All definitions include Mesopotamia, the land in and around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The major nation in this region is Iraq (formerly Mesopotamia), with small portions of Iran near the Persian Gulf, Kuwait to the south and Turkey in the north. More typically the Fertile Crescent includes also the Levantine coast of the Mediterranean Sea, with Syria, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon and the West Bank. Water sources include the Jordan River.
At maximum extent, the Fertile Crescent also may include Egypt and the Nile Valley and Delta within it. The inner boundary is delimited by the dry climate of the Syrian Desert to the south. Around the outer boundary are the arid and semi-arid lands of the Zagros Mountains to the east, the Anatolian highlands to the north, and the Sahara Desert to the west.
The region is often called the cradle of civilization; it saw the development of many of the earliest human civilizations. Some of its technological inventions (but not necessarily first or uniquely) are writing, glass, and the wheel. The earliest known western civilizations manifestly arose and flourished using the water supplies and agricultural resources available in the Fertile Crescent. They were not necessarily the first or the only source of civilization, as Breasted believed. Moreover, plants and animals were not domesticated there but in the surrounding nuclear area, where the original plant species still grow wild. There are several other known nuclear areas in the world, with which Breasted was not acquainted.

The Fertile Crescent as first defined by James Henry Breasted in 1906.
The term "Fertile Crescent" was first used by University of Chicago archaeologist James Henry Breasted in his Ancient Records of Egypt, published in 1906. The region was so named because of its rich soil and crescent shape.
The modern-day countries with significant territory within the Fertile Crescent are Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestinian territories, besides the southeastern fringe of Turkey and the western fringe of Iran.
Genetics and language

The modern-day North Caucasians (the Chechens, the Ingush, the Batsbi, and the people of Dagestan) have the direct linguistic links to the Fertile Crescent.
“ Linguistically, most languages in the region and in the Fertile Crescent itself are relatively recent arrivals. Now, however, linguist Johanna Nichols of the University of California, Berkeley, has used language to connect modern people of the Caucasus region to the ancient farmers of the Fertile Crescent. She analyzed the Nakh–Dagestanian linguistic family, which today includes Chechen, Ingush, and Batsbi on the Nakh side; and some 24 languages on the Dagestani side ... Thus location, time, and vocabulary all suggest that the farmers of the region were proto-Nakh–Dagestanians. "The Nakh–Dagestanian languages are the closest thing we have to a direct continuation of the cultural and linguistic community that gave rise to Western civilization," Nichols says. ”
The Ingush have the highest (89%) frequency of J2 gene and the Chechens have 57% respectively. J2 is closely associated with the Fertile Crescent.

As crucial as rivers and marshlands were to the rise of civilization in the Fertile Crescent, they were not the only factor in the areas precocity. The area is important as the "bridge" between Africa and Eurasia. This "bridging role" has allowed the Fertile Crescent to retain a greater amount of biodiversity than either Europe or North Africa, where climate changes during the Ice Age led to repeated extinction events when ecosystems became squeezed against the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Coupled with the Saharan pump theory, this Middle Eastern land-bridge is of extreme importance to the modern distribution of Old World flora and fauna, including the spread of humanity.
The area has borne the brunt of the tectonic divergence between the African and Arabian plates and the converging Arabian and Eurasian plates, which has made the region a very diverse zone of high snow-covered mountains, fertile broad alluvial basins and desert plateau, which has also increased its biodiversity further and enabled the survival into historic times of species not found elsewhere.
Climate and Vegetation
The Fertile Crescent had a diverse climate, and major climatic changes encouraged the evolution of many "r" type annual plants, which produce more edible seeds than "K" type perennial plants. The regions dramatic variety of elevation gave rise to many species of edible plants for early experiments in cultivation. Most importantly, the Fertile Crescent was home to the eight Neolithic founder crops important in early agriculture (i.e. wild progenitors to emmer wheat, einkorn, barley, flax, chick pea, pea, lentil, bitter vetch), and four of the five most important species of domesticated animals—cows, goats, sheep, and pigs—and the fifth species, the horse, lived nearby.
The Fertile Crescent has an impressive record of past human activity. As well as possessing many sites with the skeletal and cultural remains of both pre-modern and early modern humans (e.g. at Kebara Cave in Israel), later Pleistocene hunter-gatherers and Epipalaeolithic semi-sedentary hunter-gatherers (the Natufians), this area is most famous for its sites related to the origins of agriculture. The western zone around the Jordan and upper Euphrates rivers gave rise to the first known Neolithic farming settlements (referred to as Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA)), which date to around 9,000 BC (and includes sites such as Jericho).
This region, alongside Mesopotamia (which lies to the east of the Fertile Crescent, between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates), also saw the emergence of early complex societies during the succeeding Bronze Age. There is also early evidence from the region for writing and the formation of statelevel societies. This has earned the region the nickname "The Cradle of Civilization."
Both the Tigris and Euphrates start in the Taurus Mountains of what is today Turkey. Farmers in southern Mesopotamia had to protect their fields from flooding each year, except northern Mesopotamia which had just enough rain to make some farming possible. To protect against flooding, they made levees.
Since the Bronze Age, the regions natural fertility has been greatly extended by irrigation works, upon which much of its agricultural production continues to depend. The last two millennia have seen repeated cycles of decline and recovery as past works have fallen into disrepair through the replacement of states, to be replaced under their successors. Another ongoing problem has been salination — gradual concentration of salt and other minerals in soils with a long history of irrigation.
In the contemporary era, river waters remain a potential source of friction in the region. The Jordan River lies on the borders of Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan and the areas administered by the Palestinian Authority. Turkey and Syria each control about a quarter of the river Euphrates, on whose lower reaches Iraq is heavily dependent. In Syrian nationalism, the region is held to be a natural nation and is referred to as the Syrian Fertile Crescent.
“ Our Syria has distinct natural boundaries and extends from the Taurus range in the northwest and the Zagros mountains in the northeast to the Suez canal and the Red sea in the south and includes the Sinai peninsula and the gulf of Aqaba, and from the Syrian sea in the west, including the island of Cyprus, to the arch of the Arabian desert and the Persian gulf in the east. This region is also known as the Syrian Fertile Crescent. ”
See also

Hilly Flanks
History of agriculture

^ "Fertile Crescent". Columbia Encyclopedia. Columbia University Press. 2008. Retrieved 2008-09-23.
^ a b Bernice Wuethrich (19 May 2000). "Peering Into the Past, With Words". Science 288 (5469): 1158. DOI:10.1126/science.288.5469.1158.
^ Oleg Balanovsky, Khadizhat Dibirova, Anna Dybo, Oleg Mudrak, Svetlana Frolova, Elvira Pocheshkhova, Marc Haber, Daniel Platt, Theodore Schurr, Wolfgang Haak, Marina Kuznetsova, Magomed Radzhabov, Olga Balaganskaya, Alexey Romanov, Tatiana Zakharova, David F. Soria Hernanz, Pierre Zalloua, Sergey Koshel, Merritt Ruhlen, Colin Renfrew, R. Spencer Wells, Chris Tyler-Smith, Elena Balanovska, and The Genographic Consortium Parallel Evolution of Genes and Languages in the Caucasus Region Mol. Biol. Evol. 2011 : msr126v1-msr126
^ Diamond, Jared. (March 1997). Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-03891-2.
^ Beck, Roger B.; Linda Black, Larry S. Krieger, Phillip C. Naylor, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, (1999). World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell. ISBN 0-395-87274-X.
^ Kader, Haytham (1990). The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: its ideology and early history. University of Michigan. pp. 42.
^ Saadeh, Antun. "Syrian Social Nationalist Party". www.ssnp.com.
External links

Ancient Fertile Crescent Almost Gone, Satellite Images Show - from National Geographic News, May 18, 2001
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