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اطلاعات بیشتر واژه
واژه اشرف هوتکی معروف به افغان
معادل ابجد 2557
تعداد حروف 21
منبع واژه‌نامه آزاد
نمایش تصویر اشرف هوتکی معروف به افغان
پخش صوت

اشرف افغان. پسرعمو و جانشین محمود افغان رئیس قبیلهٔ غلجائی بود که در اوائل قرن ۱۲ هجری علیه صفویان شوریدند و سلطنت ایران را تصاحب کردند. در خلال آن احوال دولت عثمانی عراق عجم و قسمت بزرگی از آذربایجان را تحت تصرف خویش درآورده بود. اشرف می‌خواست با دولت عثمانی عهدنامه‌ای منعقد سازد و به واسطه اشتراک مذهب تسنن، اراضی ضبط‌شدهٔ روزگار دولت صفوی را مسترد دارد، امّا به آرزوی خویش نایل نگشت و در نتیجه جنگ ادامه یافت و بوسیلهٔ اغفال و تحریک امرای کردستان و ساده‌دلان لشکر عثمانی کارش قدری پیشرفت کرد و به پیروزی نایل گردید و رفتار خیلی دوستانه ابراز می‌کرد. سرانجام در تاریخ ۱۱۴۰ ه‍. ق. دولت‌های عثمانی و روسیه پادشاهی وی را در ایران تصدیق کردند، ولی از طرف دیگر طهماسب پسر سلطان حسین که از شاهزادگان صفوی و در تحت اسارت وی بود، در خراسان به کمک بعضی از اقوام و عشائر ترک و مخصوصاً به حیل و تدابیر طهماسب‌قلی‌خان (که بعد به نادرشاه مشهور شد) بسیار نیرومند گردید.
رفته‌رفته کار اشرف مختل گردید و قوت و قدرتش سستی گرفت و در دو جنگ مغلوب و پریشان گردید و مردان لشکرش به دیار عدم شتافتند. پس بسال ۱۱۴۲ ه‍. ق. شاه سلطان حسین را در زندان به قتل رسانید و اصفهان را ترک و به سوی سیستان فرار کرد و چندین بار نیز در اثنای گریز مغلوب گشت. حتی نزدیکان درگاهش نیز دست از هواخواهی وی برداشتند و در بین فرار به سال ۱۱۴۲ ه‍. ق. (۱۷۲۹ میلادی) به دست طائفهٔ بلوچ بقتل رسید. به این طریق حکومت افغانان در ایران انقراض یافت و دگربار دودمان صفوی روی کار آمد. ولی شاه طهماسب فرزند شاه سلطان حسین به عنوان سلطنت قناعت می‌کرد و زمام امور تماماً در دست اقتدار طهماسب‌قلی‌خان بود. پس از یکسری تصمیمات سیاسی نادرست توسط طهماسب، نادر با تشکیل شورایی از بزرگان در دشت مغان وی را از سلطنت خلع کرد و شورا نیز او را به سلطنت ایران منصوب کرد. نادر با قدرت شمشیرش قلمرو بزرگی برای ایران تشکیل داد.

قاموس الاعلام
تاریخ ادبیات ادوارد براون ترجمهٔ رشید یاسمی
رده‌ها: پشتون درگذشتگان ۱۷۳۰ (میلادی)صفویان هوتکیان

قس انگلیسی

Shah Ashraf Hotaki, (Pashto, Persian, Urdu, Arabic: ‌ شاہ أشرف ہوتکی), also known as Ashraf Ghilzai (died 1730), son of Abdul Aziz Hotak, was the fourth ruler of the Hotaki dynasty. An Afghan from the Ghilzai Pashtuns, he served as a commander in the army of Shah Mahmud during their conquest of the Persia Empire. Ashraf participated in the Battle of Gulnabad against the Persians and became victorious. In 1725, he succeeded to the throne (Shah of Persia) after the death of his cousin Mahmud.
The nephew of Mirwais Hotak, his reign was noted for the sudden decline in the Hotaki Afghan Empire under increasing pressure from Turkish, Russian, and Persian forces.
Ashraf Khan halted both the Russian and Turkish onslaughts. He defeated the Ottoman Empire in a battle near Kermanshah, after the enemy had come close to Isfahan. This led to peace negotiations with the Sublime Porte, which were briefly disrupted after Ashrafs ambassador insisted his master should be Caliph of the East and the Ottoman Sultan Caliph of the West. This caused great umbrage to the Ottomans, but a peace agreement was finally signed at Hamadan in the autumn of 1727.
Ultimately, though it was a little-known Afsharid Turkmen rebel, Nader Shah, who defeated Ashrafs Ghilzai forces at the Battle of Damghan in October 1729, driving them back to what is now Afghanistan.

During the retreat, Ashraf is believed to have been captured and murdered by Baloch bandits in 1730. This was probably a retaliation for killing Mahmud, and was ordered by Hussain Hotaki who was ruling from Kandahar at the time.
Ashraf, having taken Yazd and Kirmán, marched into Khurásán with an army of thirty thousand men to give battle to Ṭahmásp, but he was completely defeated by Nádir on October 2 at Dámghán. Another decisive battle was fought in the following year at Múrchakhúr near Iṣfahán. The Afgháns were again defeated and evacuated Iṣfahán to the number of twelve thousand men, but, before quitting the city he had ruined, Ashraf murdered the unfortunate ex-Shah Husayn, and carried off most of the ladies of the royal family and the Kings treasure. When Ṭahmásp II entered Iṣfahán on December 9 he found only his old mother, who had escaped deportation by disguising herself as a servant, and was moved to tears at the desolation and desecration which met his eyes at every turn. Nádir, having finally induced Ṭahmásp to empower him to levy taxes on his own authority, marched southwards in pursuit of the retiring Afgháns, whom he overtook and again defeated near Persepolis. Ashraf fled from Shíráz towards his own country, but cold, hunger and the unrelenting hostility of the inhabitants of the regions which he had to traverse dissipated his forces and compelled him to abandon his captives and his treasure, and he was finally killed by a party of Balúch tribesmen.
—Edward G. Browne, 1924
Ashraf Khans death marked the end of Hotaki rule in Persia, but the country of Afghanistan was still under Shah Hussain Hotakis control until Nader Shahs 1738 conquest of Kandahar where the young Ahmad Shah Durrani
was held prisoner. It was only a short pause before the establishment of the last Afghan Empire (modern state of Afghanistan) by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1747.
See also

Hotaki dynasty
History of Iran
History of Afghanistan

^ Mujtaba, Bahaudin Ghulam; Sayed Tayeb Jawad (2006). Afghanistan: Realities of War and Rebuilding. Ilead Academy. p. 10. ISBN 0-9774211-1-2, 9780977421114. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
^ Vogelsang, Willem (2002). The Afghans. Wiley Blackwell. p. 224. ISBN 0-631-19841-5. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
^ a b c "AN OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF PERSIA DURING THE LAST TWO CENTURIES (A.D. 1722–1922)". Edward Granville Browne. London: Packard Humanities Institute. p. 31. Retrieved 2010-09-24.
^ Jonas Hanway, The Revolutions of Persia (1753), p.254.
^ "AN OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF PERSIA DURING THE LAST TWO CENTURIES (A.D. 1722–1922)". Edward G. Browne. London: Packard Humanities Institute. p. 30. Retrieved 2010-09-24.
^ "Last Afghan empire". Louis Dupree, Nancy Hatch Dupree and others. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 2009-10-17.
^ "AFGHANISTAN x. Political History". D. Balland. Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved 2010-09-25.
^ Houtsma, Martijn Theodoor (1987). E.J. Brills first encyclopaedia of Islam 1913–1936. 2. BRILL. p. 146. ISBN 90-04-09796-1, 9789004097964. Retrieved 2010-09-25.
External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Ashraf Hotaki
An Outline Of The History Of Persia During The Last Two Centuries (A.D. 1722–1922)
Hotak Rule
Ashraf Hotaki
Hotaki dynasty
Born: ~ Died: 1730
Preceded by
Mahmud Hotaki Shah of Iran
1725–1729 Succeeded by
Tahmasp II
Preceded by
Mahmud Hotaki Emir of Afghanistan
1715–1725 Succeeded by
Hussain Hotaki
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Pashtun-related topics
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Heads of state of Afghanistan since 1709
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أشرف هوتكي المعروف باسم الأفغان

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