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اطلاعات بیشتر واژه
واژه خز فر عربی و انگلیسی کرک ترکی استانبولی
معادل ابجد 2786
تعداد حروف 32
منبع واژه‌نامه آزاد
نمایش تصویر خز فر عربی و انگلیسی کرک ترکی استانبولی
پخش صوت

خز به پوست مودار تعدادی از پستانداران گفته می‌شود که اغلب فرآوری و رفو می‌شود تا به عنوان پوستین در لباس‌ها به کار رود.
استفاده در پوشاک

در صنعت پوشاک، خز چرمی است که مویش به خاطر ویژگی عایق بودن آن نگه داشته شده. خز از دیرباز به عنوان منبعی برای تهیه لباس از سوی انسان‌ها مورد استفاده قرار می‌گرفته؛ نئاندرتال‌ها برای گرم کردن خود پوست جانوران را به تن می‌کردند.
جانورانی که به گونه معمول برای تهیه خز کشته می‌شوند شامل روباه، خرگوش، سگ آبی، قاقم، سمور آبی، سمور، خوک دریایی، گربه، سگ، کایوت، و چینچیلا هستند.
رده‌ها: خزکالبدشناسی پستانداران

قس عربی

الفرو هو الجسم المغطی لبعض الحیوانات الثدییة کالثعلب مثلا وفی الجانب المقابل الصوف فی الخراف والشعر فی القرد.
ویستفاد الآن من الفرو فی صنع بعض الملابس النسائیة التی تعطی الأناقة والجمال.
وکما یستخدم لصنع الملابس الشتویة.
مصادر الفرو

الحیوانات البریة مثل الثعلب
المخاطر التی تواجه الحیوانات الفرائیة

یتم فی کل عام تقریبا اصطیاد عشرات الملایین من هذه الحیوانات ونتیجة للصید الجائر الذی یحدث لها لأخذ فرائها ربما تسبب انقراضها
وبعضها لیس لها قیمة اقتصادیة لذلک نراها متخلصین منها إما جریحة أو میتة.
تصنیفان: فروحقوق الحیوانات

قس ترکی استانبولی

Kürk, memeli hayvanların tüylü kısmı, postu. Onların doğal giysisi olarak da tanımlanabilir.
Kürk genel olarak iki bölümden oluşur. Kısa tüyler ve koruyucu tüyler. Bazı hayvanlarda bir de orta seviye tüyler diyebileceğimiz bir katman daha bulunmaktır. Bütün memeli hayvanların kürkü yoktur. Kürksüz olanlar "çıplak memeliler" olarak da adlandırılabilir.
Kürk genel olarak iki bölümden oluşur:
Taban tüyleri veya Kürkaltı: Bu kısım kısa, düz ve koruyucu tüylere nispeten daha sık olan tüylerdir.
Koruyucu tüyler: Hayvanların renklerini de belli eden bü tüyler, Taban tüylerine göre daha seyrek ve uzundurlar.
Günümüzde daha çok moda amacıyla kullanılan kürk ürünleri ceket, yakalık, anahtarlık, ayakkabı gibi pek çok aksesuarda kendine yer edinmektedir. Özellikle başta PETA olmak üzere hayvanseverlerin yoğun çabaları sonucu kürkün aslında masum bir ürün olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Özellikle Çinde kedi ve köpekler de dahil olmak üzere pek çok hayvanın vahşi yöntemlerle öldürülmesi kürk vahşetinin altında yatan gerçeklerin ortaya çıkmasında ve kürk kullanıcılarının yapay kürklere yönelmesine sebep olmuştur.belirtilmeli
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Gakuran • Gemici fuku • Haricî üniforma • İzci üniforması • Kamuflaj üniforma • Öğrenci önlüğü
Kategori: Memeli anatomisiKürk

قس انگلیسی

Fur is a synonym for hair, used in reference to non-human animals, usually mammals; particularly those with extensive body hair coverage. The term is sometimes used to refer to the body hair of an animal as a complete coat, also known as the "pelage". Fur is also used to refer to animal pelts which have been processed into leather with the hair still attached. The words fur or furry are also used, more casually, to refer to hair-like growths or formations; particularly when the subject being referred to exhibits a dense coat of fine, soft "hairs."

Animal fur, if layered, rather than grown as a single coat, may consist of short
ground hair, long guard hair, and, in some cases, medium awn hair. Mammals with reduced amounts of fur are often called "naked", as in The Naked Ape, naked mole rat, and naked dogs.

An animal with commercially valuable fur is known within the fur industry as a furbearer. The use of fur as clothing and/or decoration is considered controversial by some people: most animal rights advocates object to the trapping and killing of wildlife, and to the confinement and killing of animals on fur farms.

Computer-generated wet fur
Fur has been a big challenge for 3D computer graphics artists due to its geometrical complexity and self-shadowing effects. The first movie which made extensive use of CGI-fur was Pixars Monsters, Inc. from 2001.

Nature of fur

Fur usually consists of two main layers:

Ground hair (known also as undercoat or down hair) — the bottom layer consisting of wool hair which tend to be shorter, flat, curly, and denser than the top layer. Its principal function is thermal insulation and thus thermoregulation.
Guard hair — the top layer consisting of longer, often coarser, straight shafts of hair that stick out through the underfur. This is usually the visible layer for most mammals and contains most of the pigmentation. It protects the underfur from outside factors, such as rain, and is thus often water-repellent.
A third layer, the awn hair, may also exist. It is intermediate between the two others.

Use in clothing

Carl Ben Eielson, US Pilot and Arctic explorator wearing a seal fur coat
Main article: Fur clothing
In clothing, fur is leather with the hair retained for its insulating properties. Fur has long served as a source of clothing for hominoids including the Neanderthal. Animal furs used in garments and trim may be dyed bright colors or to mimic exotic animal patterns, or shorn down to imitate the feel of a soft velvet fabric. The term "a fur" is often used to refer to a fur coat, wrap, or shawl.

Usual animal sources for fur clothing and fur trimmed accessories include fox, rabbit, mink, beavers, ermine, otters, sable, seals, cats, dogs, coyotes, chinchilla, and possum. The import and sale of seal products was banned in the U.S. in 1972 over conservation concerns about Canadian seals. The import and sale is still banned even though the Marine Animal Response Society estimates the harp seal population is thriving at approximately 8 million. The import, export and sales of domesticated cat and dog fur was also banned in the U.S. under the Dog and Cat Protection Act of 2000.

The manufacturing of fur clothing involves obtaining animal pelts where the hair is left on the animals processed skin. In contrast, making leather involves removing the hair from the hide or pelt and using only the skin. The use of wool involves shearing the animals fleece from the living animal, so that the wool can be regrown but sheepskin shearling is made by retaining the fleece to the leather and shearing it. Shearling is used for boots, jackets and coats and is probably the most common type of skin worn.

Fur is also used to make felt. A common felt is made from beaver fur and is used in high-end cowboy hats.


Red fox furs
Main article: Fur farming
Further information: Fur trade
Most animal rights activists are opposed to the trapping and killing of wildlife, and the confinement and killing of animals on fur farms. According to Humane Society International, over 8 million animals are trapped yearly for fur, while more than 30 million were raised in fur farms.

According to Statistics Canada, 2.6 million fur-bearing animals raised on farms were killed in 2010. Another 700,000 were killed for fur by traps.

Based on video footage, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) allege that dog and cat fur farming in China is particularly inhumane.

See also

Animal coloration
Cat coat genetics
Coat (animal)
Human activities
Fur farming

^ "Harp Seal", Marine Animal Response Society.
^ Rules and Regulations Under the Fur Products Labeling Act.
^ Australian Wool Corporation, Australian Wool Classing, Raw Wool Services, 1990.
^ Chambers journal, Published by Orr and Smith, 1952, pg 200, Original from the University of Michigan.
^ Humane Society International Fur Trade.
^ "Fur production, by province and territory", Statistics Canada.
^ Chinas Shocking Dog and Cat Fur Trade.
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